No Wisconsinite should
be faced with losing
their water service.

You may not ask for it,
but we are here to help.


Thank you for your interest in obtaining LIHWAP. These funds were made available by the federal government and administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration. These funds, authorized by Congress, are intended to provide one-time water assistance for those especially impacted economically by the COVID-19 crisis. In order to qualify for a water assistance benefit, you must meet the requirements listed below and provide in a timely fashion required documentation.

Participation for LIHWAP benefits will only result in a water assistance payment if and when all requirements have been met and documentation has been provided.

  1. Complete a required WHEAP application for energy assistance. This can be done using one of the following methods:
    • Online by visiting
    • Telephone by calling 833-H2O-WISC (833-426-9472)
  2. Complete the provided online LIHWAP pre-application for water assistance.
  3. A copy of your most recent water bill.

After completion of your LIHWAP pre-application, you will promptly receive an email with detailed instructions and the necessary LIHWAP renter verification forms required to complete your application. Upon accessing the website with the code provided in the email, you will be able to upload the required documentation to complete your application.

Should you have any questions or need any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to email us at One of our dedicated LIHWAP services staff members will shortly respond to your inquiry.

By signing my name below, I acknowledge that I have read the above message and agree to provide all required documentation to complete my LIHWAP application.

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